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“Hearing for Dee” A Fundraiser for Hearing Aides for Legend Dee Milo

Posted with verbal and written consent from legend Dee Milo and her caregivers

Burlesque Legend Dee Milo

BurlyCares has connected with burlesque legend Dee Milo and family. We have learned that our beloved burlesque legend Dee Milo is currently in need of high functioning hearing aides for advanced hearing loss. We would love to raise a total of $4,600.00 for advanced functioning hearing aides for the amazing Dee! These hearing aides will provide Dee with the highest degree of hearing that is possible with a hearing aide, as opposed to regular hearing aides. Adequate hearing aides will most certainly give Dee a much higher quality of life and daily functioning.

Please help us help the amazing Dee Milo!

About Legend Dee Milo

While tending bar at San Francisco’s Barbary Coast in the late ’40s, Dee Milo noticed that they were hiring dancers. When she said that she would like to apply, the management told her no. Instead, the fiercely independent Dee moved to New Orleans where she began dancing on Bourbon Street, and learned to dance and dress as a burlesque dancer. She returned to San Francisco and was hired as a headliner in the early ’50s, beginning more than a decade of traveling throughout the U.S. and Mexico and Japan. Dee knew how to tantalize and keep an audience eating from the palm of her hand, her signature act “Sentimental Journey” teasing for more than ten minutes of come hither stares, and sweet smiles. She shared top billings with legends like Jennie Lee. Her career ended in 1964 when Dee returned to Utah. Though her mother had enjoyed the benefits of the large paychecks Dee sent home, her mother never approved of her stripping. Dee chose to listen to her mother and repent her sins, and at her mother’s prompting burned all of her costumes and memorabilia. It wasn’t until her own daughter was ten that she found one of Dee’s gowns while playing in the attic. This red dress was the lone survivor of the bonfire. [1]

Dee danced and performed professionally for over 8 decades. She continues to attend burlesque events throughout the United States. Her exquisite experience and love continues to live on each day.

